A Potter
& Sculptor
& Sculptor
I have lived in the world of clay for most of my life. My work reflects interests in archeology, explorations of new landscapes, experiences with other artists, musicians, food, and friends. While I focus on sculptural vessels and larger figurative pieces, the wheel keeps turning and kiln keeps firing pieces to be used in your everyday life.
Read the story and enjoy the work.
A Potter
& Sculptor
& Sculptor

I have lived in the world of clay for most of my life. My work reflects interests in archeology, explorations of new landscapes, experiences with other artists, musicians, food, and friends. While I focus on sculptural vessels and larger figurative pieces, the wheel keeps turning and kiln keeps firing pieces to be used in your everyday life.
Read the story and enjoy the work.

About Janet
“At this time when the world seems quite fragile, where potters can be added to the list of “endangered species”, it seems more important than ever to speak of beauty, craftsmanship, sustainability and hope. I wish to continue making simple pots and unique sculptures that make the world a better place.”

About Janet
“At this time when the world seems quite fragile, where potters can be added to the list of “endangered species”, it seems more important than ever to speak of beauty, craftsmanship, sustainability and hope. I wish to continue making simple pots and unique sculptures that make the world a better place.”

“An artist is not paid for his labor, he’s paid for his vision.”
“The honesty and simplicity of hand formed vessel warms the soul,”
Creating from
a sense of place
a sense of place
I enter the natural world with eyes open and all the other senses switched on. If you are lucky, an environment feeds you, and like being nourished, that feast of color, form, sound, smell, taste and touch is assimilated, processed and returned. The backyard view opens my heart. The sky above the mesa is dynamic and the small details of tree and stone inform a bowl; a waterfall teaches a pitcher how to pour, grasses in the wind translate into a design on an open field of clay.